Sunday, April 3, 2022

Dupevitza 2022

The weather around Sofia has been a bit extreme these last days due to very strong, almost hurricane  wind. When we started for Lulin mountain yesterday early in the morning, we had kind of hoped that the wind situation was over. Brazenly, because the temperature forecasts we in the range of 14-16C, we left our woolen hats and gloves at home. And then, right at the door step, I remembered that I had just finished a new hat for husband and our hike could be a suitable background for a photo session. What a lucky idea! 

Once we came out of the car at the foot of the mountain, we realized that we did need our wooly hats after all, because, despite the warm sun, the wind was very strong and our heads soon felt very cold. Husband quickly put on his new hat and couldn't stop praising its windproof qualities all the way, I put on the reserve hat we always keep in the car, and from time to time I also had my two hoods on as well - turns out you can't have too many hoods :)

Apart from the spring flowers, which were in abundance, the forest looked like late autumn - winter scenery - no grass, no fresh green leaves, spring is still on its way here.

:Erythronium (dog's tooth)

:Alpine squill
Despite the cold and the wind, the skies were bright blue and the visibility was crystal clear.
Quite a lot of snow was still left, especially on the heights of the mountain.
Hike info:

Destination: round trail to peak Dupevitza
Mountain: Lulin
Total length: 9 km
Elevation gain: 320 m
Total duration (plus picnic and rests): 2 hours 40  min
Average difficulty: 3 / 10

Peak Dupevitza. The wind was so strong on the peak, that we only took a couple of pictures and continued on our way.

Me-made items, worn on this hike:
Husband: men's boxers, Knip Mode cargo pants, orange hat
I: lingerie, Purple hoodie, Burda two-color blouse

I had planned to photoshoot the orange hat on the scenic Dobrinova skala peak, but the wind here was so, so strong, that I could barely stand on my feet and keep the camera still and husband was about to loose his hat. We had to move on.

:Purple crocus
Luckily, once we were on the other side of the mountain, we were sheltered from the wind and could enjoy better the second half of the hike.

The very peculiar All Saints Chapel and the full watered Dobrinova river

:Yellow crocus

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