Day 19: If it weren't for SSS'11, this is one of the two items I would have worn all summer long. Soft, comfy and though I am not very fond of gray colors, I should admit, that they are so easy to combine:

Day 20: Cold and rain all day, a bit of a shock wave after the hot weeks. I love these warm autumn colors, this combination of tunic and skirt seems promising for the autumn (that is, if I can make myself wear skirts and not jeans :)

Day 21: The refashioned top quickly became a permanent in my wardrobe. And cross-stitching - I feel the urge to go back to it, but knitting is still occupying most of my free time, and I plan on sewing too ... If only days were longer ...

Day 22: The notorious Vogue Capecho by Norah Gaughan. I wonder where I went wrong with this bolero, would a different yarn (cotton-viscose or cotton-acrylic comes to mind immediately) been more suitable? But I LOVE the color:

Day 23: Fun day, I blogged about it earlier. Frenchy is just the sweater for such fun activities:

Day 24: The linen shrug. Yes, this is the second item I could wear to death, so versatile and comfy. Last year this was almost the only thing I wore all summer long :)