Tuesday, December 11, 2018

DIY Christmas Tree Ornaments

Inspired by a few youtube DIY video tutorials and by the fact that husband bought a glue gun, I made a dozen (plus one) Christmas tree ornaments for the University Christmas market. It's an annual charity event for the Wild Animals foundation and ... an occasion for me to play with the new glue gun.

I collected the pine cones on Vitosha and Plana during our last months hikes and all the other bits and pieces came from my haberdashery stash, gathered through the years of crafting. It's so nice to be able to use up some of this stash, finally :)

All of the 13 ornaments. I like them and I do hope Gaby's colleagues will like them too and will take them home, contributing to the charity event.

I'm even considering making a bunch of these for our Christmas tree decoration too, but not right now. Maybe next week, or better - next year. A dozen was plenty :)

1 comment:

  1. Идеята е добра. Новогодишните укашения за елхата са ефектни.
