Sunday, May 31, 2020

Vrana, May 2020

For a forth year husband and I are visiting the Vrana Gardens in the spring. We were there at the end of March, when the park was just coming to life - too early, we were and the end of April - when all the magnolias, lilacs, carobs and sakuras were in blossom and the gardens were arranged with tulips - probably the best time to visit, last year we came at the beginning of May and this year - at the end. Late in spring the meadows and the trees are at their peak, green and fresh, but most of the iconic trees have overblown. Still, there were enough flowers, trees and bushes in bloom for us to enjoy immensely our 8 km walk through the park. This time we crossed it long and wide and even managed to find alleys we hadn't passed through before.

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