Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Polovrak on a Gorgeous October Day

Today was again one of those days, when, after a spell of rainy and cold weather, we managed to free a work day and go on a hike on a spectacularly sunny and warm day, that simply could not be wasted in a cold and dark work room. 

We chose a nearby trail, which we frequent at least twice a year, and the feeling of hiking after more than half a month of staying put, was truly exhilarating for me.

A short stop at the beautiful grounds of Lozen monastery, which is situated along the trail to peak Polovrak.

Hike info:

Date: 15 October 2024
Destination: peak Polovrak (1182 m)
Mountain: Lozen
Total length: 10.5 km
Elevation gain: 420 m
Total duration (plus picnic and rests): approx. 3 h 20 min
Average difficulty: 3 / 10

The final climb - the peak, which is usually crowded on weekends, was completely empty. There were actually no people on the trail and we enjoyed our picnic on the peak in complete quietude and tranquility.

Me-made items, worn on this hike:

Husband: boxers, Burda cargo pants, Burda longsleeve
I: lingerie, Sabrina Slims III, Burda blouse, Central Park knitted hoodie

The sun was strong, so we slowly ate our sandwiches and basked in its warmth. I hope that this autumn has in store at least a few more such sunny days.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Strashnoto Ezero 2024

It's been another cold and rainy weekend in Sofia, which husband and I spent at home, studying for our upcoming exams, but I'm using the pause to post about our last hike in Rila at the end of September. It was probably one of the last really hot days of the year and I am so happy that we managed to enjoy it fully along some of our most beloved mountain tracks - to Strashnoto Ezero. 

The round trail starts from Malyovitza center and gradually climbs to Yonchevo ezero.

The sun was strong, the sky was intense blue, the tracks were almost empty - there were just a couple of people here and there, that we met on our way - pure bliss!

Hike info:

Destination: Strashnoto ezero round route (2451 m)
Mountain: Rila
Total length: 17 km
Elevation gain: 750 m
Total duration (plus picnic and rests): 7 hours
Average difficulty: 7 / 10

The first of the many lakes along the way - Yonchevo ezero. Here we had a short break and some snacks before the big climb.

Me-made items, worn on this hike:

Husband: boxers, Burda cargo pants, Burda longsleeve
I: lingerie, Sabrina Slims III

One of my favourite parts of the trail - the valley above Yonchevo ezero:
The trail goes up the rocky slope
And here they are - the small and the true Scary lakes (Strashnoto ezero)

The waters of the lake were deep turquoise. We found a picnic place a bit above the lake and couldn't take our eye off the reflections of the sun and the play of the waters.
If we didn't have many kilometers of hiking to get back to the car and then back to Sofia, we would have stayed hours, enjoying the beauty of the place and the small group of mountain goats, that grazed on the rocks not far from us.

There were several more lakes on our way back to Malyovitza hut

The Needles
Peak Malyovitza and the hut

Malyovitza river. May be due to the excellent weather, but this is probably the best hike we've had this year!