Sunday, September 1, 2024

Hiking in Greece. Mount Olympus Day Two

The second day of our hike was the real trial - we had planned to climb about 900 m elevation gain up a very steep trail to peak Skala and then eventually to peak Mytikas and then go back all the way back to the parking lot of Prionia.

The sunrise over the Aegean sea, seen from the lodge 2100 m above sea level, with Mytikas at my back, was absolutely breathtaking. It felt so surreal the whole time, that we were in the high mountains and we could see the sea down there.

The trail is really very, very steep all the time and reminded me a bit of Vihren in Pirin.

Gradually we came out of the forest and into the bare stoneland.

Hike info:

Date: 24 August 2024
Destination: peak Mytikas
Mountain: Olympus
Total length: 21 km
Elevation gain: +900 m, -1900 m
Total duration (plus rests and lunch): 11 hours
Average difficulty: 10 / 10 

I don't think I've ever seen such bare land. The upper parts of Rila and Pirin are like deserts, but this mountain takes the idea of bare rocks to another level.

Me-made items, worn on this hike:

Husband: boxer shorts, Burda cargo pants
I: lingerie
Gaby: lingerie, Burda T-shirt 

There were a couple of wild goats down there, munching on the meager patches of grass, but they were too far away from us and are impossible to see on a phone picture

Finally - peak Skala. Here ends the more or less normal trail and a lot of hikers climb only to Skala. Husband and I had wondered a lot whether to continue to Mytikas, I was almost certain, that I did not want to risk it. However, a talk we had the previous day with a guy, who planned to climb the peak for the second time, reassured us, that it was doable. We had a quick snack on Skala and started preparing for the final climb.

The distance from Skala to Mytikas is only 400 actual meters, but it is very, very dangerous and unsecured. A lot of people risk it, some make it with the help of guides with ropes. One could speculate, that the trail is left unsecured because of the guide business...

The slope is almost vertical, with nothing to grab on, but stones, some of which are loose and other too slippery from many feet, that have stepped on them.

Gaby and her boyfriend were very brave and enthusiastic, but I started having my doubts - so much risk for a few meters higher?

In the end we climbed up to 30 m away from the peak and decided to call it a day and get back to Skala. For me that was more than enough rock climbing and for the future I intend to stick to more normal hiking trails, secured with ropes and poles.

On peak Skala, with Mytikas on the background.

Zeus was there also :)
The way down was much easier, but so steep and so long :)
The provisions caravan
Back at the beginning of the trail

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