Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lanina Mogila 2024

On Sunday we hiked in another nearby low mountain - Lozen. It has been sometime since we last climbed peak Lanina Mogila, one of the peaks, accessible from the village of Lozen. I have a fondness for this peak, as it has an amazing view and our picnics on top are always exclusively pleasant, but with the years the trail to the top is becoming uglier from the jeeps and ATVs people drive around and I don't think I'll be keen on climbing it soon, starting from the village of Lozen.

Goren Lozen. Because of its proximity to Sofia, the village is quickly becoming a suburbia with large mansions and a lot of construction work.

Husband adores tasting wild plums, wherever we go :)

A praying mantis on the trail:
My favourite southern part of Lanina mogila, a bit away from the village and its industrial looking trails
We climbed the southern slope of the peak without a trail, free "gliganing" style

  The views from half-way to the peak

Hike info:

Date:  08 September 2024
Destination: Mt. Lanina Mogila (1188 m)
Mountain: Lozen
Total length: 13 km
Elevation gain: 480 m
Total duration (plus picnic and rests): 3 and a half hours
Average difficulty: 3 / 10 

On top of Lanina Mogila - we met only a few other hikers on Sunday, otherwise it was a fairly lonely hike.

Me-made items, worn on this hike:

Husband: boxers, Burda cargo pants, Burda T-shirt
I: lingerie, Sabrina Slims I, Burda T-shirt
The view from our picnic spot, which makes it all worth it

The saddle between Lanina Mogila and Small Lanina Mogila

Dolen Lozen
We took a short detour to a small waterfall in the area

Sakoshki waterfalls

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