Monday, September 23, 2024

Kominite - Kamen del 2024

Yesterday was finally a warm and sunny day after a fortnight of fairly cold and wet weather and we decided to climb on Vitosha along a circular trail we constructed for us last year - we left the car at Bay Krustyo, climbed along the Kominite to peak kamen del, where we had our picnic with a glorious view at Sofia, then went down in the direction of Zlatnite mostove and took the mid-altitude trail back to the car.

The trail is really very good, with decent altitude gain, without being brutal and varying scenes from the forested part of Vitosha to the plateau and the stony desert of Kamen del.

The sun was fairly strong, but the temperatures were still a bit low, in the 13-15C, so the climb was actually comfortable, without too much overheating and sweating - you see, every cloud does have a silver lining :)

The sequence of the three rock formations, called Kominite, seen from above:

Hike info:

Destination: peak Kamen Del (1862 m) along circular trail
Mountain: Vitosha
Total length: 12.5 km
Elevation gain: 500 m
Total duration (plus picnic and rests): 4 and a half hours
Average difficulty: 4 / 10

The plateau. As it was Sunday and a sunny day, the popular fairly short and level trail, which connects Aleko to Kamen del, was packed with all kinds of tourists, from experienced hikers to small children. 

Peak Kamen del was quite densly populated, but we managed to find a nice cozy spot and have our snacks, enjoying the views of Sofia. We've done it so many times, but it never gets old - trying to find specific buildings and other architectural landmarks, while looking at the city from above.

Me-made items, worn on this hike:

Husband: boxers, Burda cargo pants
I: lingerie, Sabrina Slims II, hoodie

The forests under peak Kamen del along the mid-altitude trail were probably the most beautiful part of the route, as they are gradually getting their autumnal colors.

The Dragalevska river

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