Sunday, July 2, 2023

Maluk Rezen and Cherni Vruh

There are officially twelve peaks on Vitosha, marked on maps and given specific names, that are above the 2000 m altitude. It is even a popular challenge among more experienced hikers to climb Vitosha's dozen in the course of one day. 

To my surprise, only one of these peaks - Vitosha's summit Cherni Vruh, is popular, with well marked trails and it was the only one we had climbed. Last week we decided to climb a couple more of the dozen.

There are four of them around Cherni vruh, but as it turned out, two are located in prohibited areas. The Small Lion (Luvcheto) (2052 m) - the one to the outermost left on the picture, is in a water-collection zone and the board at the center of the picture states the restricted access to the area.

We decided, that climbing in prohibited areas was not worth it, so were continued along the trail to the next peak - Maluk Rezen (2182m).


It is located right next to the ski track station and climbing it was actually pretty easy, though the pile of gigantic stones does look imposing.

The view from Maluk Rezen towards Golyam Rezen (2277 m)

Although there are many tracks and descriptions of the climbing of Golyam Rezen, when we reached it, there were poles of an enclosure and some boards stating Authorized Personnel Only. There are quite a number of structures around the peak and we were not sure how we could climb it without breaking the prohibition, so we decided not to risk it and turned towards our final peak for the day - Cherni Vruh (2290 m).

Hike info:

Destination: Cherni Vruh (2290 m)
Mountain: Vitosha
Total length: 13 km
Elevation gain: 500 m
Total duration (plus picnic and rests): 4 hours
Average difficulty: 4 / 10 

We had our lunch on the peak, took pictures of husband's new hoodie and started back along a direct alternative track. Although there were some clouds, the day was actually pretty hot and windless, which is a rarity for Cherni Vruh.

Me-made items, worn on this hike:

Husband: boxers, Knipmode cargo pants, Vikisews Joggers, Burda raglan hoodie
I: lingerie, Knipmode flared leggins, Burda Hoodie

Last traces of snow near the peak.

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