Starting from Aleko hut along "The Wall".
This time we managed to persuade the grumpy teenager to join us:
Above the Wall - the Plateau
The day was very hot, but above the 2000 m mark there was a very strong breeze, which bothered the children - both of them had to put on their hoodies to keep their ears from the wind. Cherni Vruh is the second most windy peak in Bulgaria. So now I have a knitting order - two cotton hats in some non-lace pattern (I'm thinking of cotton Graham's).
On Cherni Vruh - Vitosha's highest peak (2290 м)
After a picnic on the rocks I left the trio to have a short nap and went for a stroll along the peak's flat surface (I'm the kind of person that hates afternoon naps).
A view to the west
Alpine rose
A view to the south - I wish to hike to the village of Chuypetlovo one day,
but I did not notice any marking in this direction
And back to the gondola lift along the round-about path to make the route circular. In the distance - the Rocky Ridge and the Chimneys, where we hiked two weeks ago:
This para-glider lost momentum and landed near to us right in the middle of the plateau:
Globeflower (Trollius europaeus, Витошко лале) - a protected species
I really like how you bond with your family.