Yesterday husband and I hiked the steep path from the village of Zheleznitza to the training base of the National Sports Academy - Kupena Hut and the nearby peak (with unknown to us name). The weather forecast promised more rain and cold, as was the entire last week, very un-end-of-June-like. But this time the forecast was wrong and the weather turned out just excellent for hiking in open areas - a bit cloudy, with temperate temperatures and no rain. The path is very steep and fairly difficult and we used our new trekking poles for the first time. At the beginning of the track the poles were actually a nuisance and we quickly folded them back in the backpacks. But when we reached the steep slopes and especially the uneven and stone terrain at the end of the track the poles came very handy. And they were simply indispensable for climbing the peak, which we did without any track, traversing right through the bushes and stones.
A very pleasant surprise - a medicine box, equipped with basic pain killers and bandage necessities
A woodpecker
The hut is right in the middle of the photo. We climbed the green peak to the left.
I should try to learn and recognize the medicinal herbs, of which the mountain is abundant. I gathered only thyme, as I know it, but the manager of the hut serves a divine tea, made from the herbs around the hut.
Lilium jankae - a rare flower, included in the Red list of endanger species
Almost there :)
The peak with no name we climbed without track
The hut - training base for the National Sports Academy, where we had some rest and lunch. I took the picture midway climbing the peak.
Off-track hiking
The ridge of Vitosha.
I know you can't see it, but there is actually a doe running away from us right in the middle of this picture (a brown spot with some white on its rump):
The view from the top
The clouds from Cherni vruh gathered above us, the wind at these 2000m altitudes was cold, but thankfully no rain.
Cherni vruh in the distance
And back down to the hut and then to the village of Zheleznitza. Down the slope the trekking poles were even more useful, providing lateral stability and ease on the knees.