Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Quiet Place, Vladaya, 2024

Although we've been living in Sofia for decades and hiking Vitosha for years, there are still places we haven't visited and trails we haven't explored. 

Today we continued with our experiments with another circular trail on Vitosha, that we concocted ourselves, based on the map. The trail included some tracks, that we've hiked before, as well as connecting parts, that were new to us, so the entire experience was that of exploration and adventure.

We started from a place, called the Quiet Place (Tihiyat kut), where we left the car and took the trail to Vladaya. We've hiked the path from Vladaya to Zlatnite mostove and back several times, but driving to the village of Vladaya is a hassle in Sofia's traffic and we had been avoiding it for years. And it turned out we could drive some 20 min from home into the mountain, leave the car at the Quiet Place and reach Vladaya in only some 30-40 minuted along a path through Vitosha.

The entire trail from the Quiet Place, through Vladaya to Zlatnite mostove was fairy-tale beautiful, green and flowery.

Hike info:

Date: 25 May 2024
Destination: Zlatnite Mostove
Mountain: Vitosha
Total length: 10.8 km
Elevation gain: 490 m
Total duration (plus picnic and rests): 3 hours
Average difficulty: 3 / 10

The trail from the village of Vladaya to Zlatnite is probably one of the most picturesque on Vitosha, as it runs along the beautiful Vladaya river. I couldn't stop taking pictures of the river all the way. The beauty of the place makes up for the altitude gain, which is not at all negligible - approx. 500 m over less than 5 km.

Me-made items, worn on this hike:

Husband: boxers, Shkatulka raglan blouse
I: lingerie, Sabrina Slims II, Burda Hoodie

One of my favourite places along the path - the so-called market place. There were information boards there with very interesting data about the history of this place, related to the Ottoman rule, gold mining and forest bandits / freedom fighters :)

We had our lunch on the meadow near Zlatnite mostove and headed back to our car along the alternative trail in the direction of  Knyazevo.

A rocky macaron :) along the way down

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