Last year I made a few jars of peach jam and it was such a success with my family that this year I'm making it on an industrial scale :)))
Here's the recipe I'm following this year for a batch of 4 small jars:
- 1 kg of peaches, cut into small pieces
- 250 g of plums, cut into small pieces
- 650 g of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
These are the jars with peaches only
and these are with peaches and plums. I've got another batch with peaches and plums already I made last night. I'm wondering what else I could try to mix with peaches, as the plums turned such a perfect addition.
The jam is very delicious with the home-made bread I've been baking lately - these small loafs were made following the recipe in Eva Toneva's blog:
And we also tried this a bit eccentric dessert - roasted peaches with oats, served with vanilla ice cream. We should've waited for the peaches to cool more, the warmth of the pulp accentuated the acidity of the fruit and contradicted the sweetness of the oats and the ice cream. Hubby didn't like it, Gaby and I did and Alex didn't even taste it. I'll make another try at it today, replacing the olive oil with butter for better taste and refrigerating the peaches a little before serving.
Those are some great recipes, thank you! I like the sound of the baked peaches with some oats or muesli on top. Yum!