Friday, January 3, 2014

Cross Stitch WIPs into 2014

I began this posting on 31 December last year, but got caught into all the cooking and preparations and never managed to finish it. But at the end of the year I found myself embroidering again, though not with the enthusiasm I had for cross stitching a few years ago.

The poppies flower panel is almost done, only the back stitching and a single color white background remain, but I ran out of floss. I plan a big purchase of various colors and then I'll finish it and probably frame the bunch of flower panels together:

I did some stitching on the big Algeria picture too. I had planned finishing these three sheets of the chart, but my disappointment in the design got the better of me and this cross stitch is again deeply frozen.

And for the new year I started a new project - Charming Waterway by Dimensions. I'm stitching it very slowly in between knitting - presently I'm kind of deflated both about my current knitting and cross stitching projects. Maybe I need more new projects :)))


  1. У тебя очень красивые вышивальные проекты!!!Удачи!!!
    Я тоже сейчас между вязанием вышиваю))))

  2. Wow. That is dedicated cross stitching there. Do you stitch row by row?

    1. Thank you. I usually stitch by areas of the same color, only one color at a time, but it depends upon the design too.

  3. Your cross stitching is beautiful. I especially love the poppies.
    I started a sepia toned picture last year and that has frozen, naughty me.

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