'I, Carmela of Carmela Biscuit's Spot, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear a self-made garment each day for the duration of May 2013'
You know, this is not my first challenge of this kind, I took part in Self-Stitched-September-11 a year and a half ago and it was a notable month for the whole family, for I asked, begged and bribed each and everyone of them to take a picture of me every day in the course of a month.
So, the challenge for the upcoming 31 days of May will be not only to wear my own clothes, but to manage to take pictures of myself wearing them every day. I'm starting practicing with the tripod and the automatic picture taking functions of my camera :)))
I also mean to take the pledge to a higher level, challenging myself to finish two new knits to be worn in May and to sew something wearable for myself. I haven't done that in ages! But I want a long gypsy skirt for the summer or maybe a yoga tunic for my Pilates classes ...
As for the report of the challenge, the plan is to take pictures every day and to share them with the Flickr group and to publish a weekly report here on the blog.
So, here we go, starting tomorrow!