Puzzle Educa 2000 pcs
Village Hideaway by Howard Behrens
It's official - I've been bitten by the puzzle bug. Late in the afternoon of the 26th of March I opened the big Educa 2000 pcs box and started to assemble the huge picture. Man, 2000 pcs is not just two 1000 pcs puzzle - it's a whole new game. This time family members just watched me struggle with this giant, occasionally trying to find the place of a piece or two and then abandoning me to my quiet madness. And though I managed to finish it in only five days, it was a difficult battle, which I'm not willing to repeat any time soon. 1000 pcs. - 1500 pcs max is my golden average size - not too easy but doable.
This is actually my second 2000 pcs. puzzle - we opened one on last New year's eve and it took me almost a month to assemble it. Then I thought I'd never try anything that big, but you never know :)
26 March 2012 - late in the evening

28 March 2012 - in the morning

29 March 2012 - in the morning

30 March 2012 - in the morning

31 March 2012 - in the morning

31 March 2012 - around 14:30 PM, placing the final piece

I love these photos - it's fascinating to see the puzzle coming together like this!