Friday, August 9, 2024

Dupevitza in August 2024

Today on Dupevitza. The day was again hot, but there was some wind, especially on the open paths and the hike was easy and pleasant. Still, these low mountains are much better left for spring - autumn - winter hikes, in late summer they are all burnt and flowerless, especially in this year's extremely hot summer. 

Dupevitza, however, has some advantages, which were important for us today - it is near, it is short and most of all - we were able to fill containers with my favourite mineral water, so all in all I am very satisfied with today's hike.

The wild plums were abundant with ripe fruit. Pity, that the taste is sour and unpleasant and all that fruit is more or less inedible.

The peak used to be a counter air strike base in communist times, and there are still abandoned structures on the top, covered now with interesting graffiti.

We had our picnic on the top, enjoying the views to Vitosha and Sofia. The trail was recently enhanced by adding new signs and two tables with benches for a small picnic area at the peak and this makes having our lunches there very nice and comfortable.

Hike info:

Destination: round trail to peak Dupevitza
Mountain: Lulin
Total length: 10 km
Elevation gain: 320 m
Total duration (plus picnic): 3 hours 20 min
Average difficulty: 3 / 10 

Me-made items, worn on this hike:

Husband: boxer shorts, Burda red T-shirt
I: lingerie, Love Notions LDT tunic, Love Notions leggings

A view the south to Pernik and Radomir

and to the North to Sofia

On Dobrinina skala

All Saints Chapel

St. Cyril and Methodius Monastery

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