Sunday, June 9, 2019

Lulin, Dupevitza 2019

Almost exactly to the date and again on the World Wide Knit in Public day last year we climbed peak Dupevitza in Lulin mountain and we came upon a field of ripe and extra-aromatic wild strawberries. So, hoping to repeat the feast, yesterday we chose Dupevitza for our hike again. But no year is like any other. Obviously, the cold April and May have slowed the development of the berries and the strawberries were just blossoming and far from ripening :( But the place was like a wild flowers garden - very beautiful and peaceful, we had a really good time on Lulin.


  1. В началото на лятото местността Дупевица в Люлин наистина прилича на цъфнала дива градина - свежа,красива,омайваща с багрите и ароматите си.

  2. Such fun flowers on your hike and how neat to run into a cow, and one that's not traditionally black and white.
