Monday, May 27, 2019

Peak Kamen Del 2019

Yesterday was the day of the European elections in Bulgaria. The results are what they are for ten years now, corruption scandals and blatant theft of European funds could not deter the majority to vote for more of the same, so there it is.
We decided to leave the voting for the afternoon, so we got up early and went to Zlatnite mostove on Vitosha. The trail from Zlatnite to peak Kamen Del (1862 m) is one of the more popular trails in the mountain, but we hadn't walked it until yesterday; we had climbed Kamen Del twice before, but coming from other directions. Kamen Del is the most scenic peak on Vitosha, as it overlooks the entire city and the mountains surrounding it - from Lulin to the west, the Balkans to the north to Lozen and Plana to the east. The hike was fairly short - it took us about three and a half hours with a long rest and a snack at the top and we were back in town with plenty of time to have a rest and go to the voting section.


  1. This hike looks like a good workout.

    1. Yes, the elevation gain is a good 500 m over 4-5 km, so it is a good steady climbing all the way up to the peak.
